Ryde Hunters Hill Community Transport is the proud owner of a brand new Toy HiAce

Posted: 22/05/2017
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The not for profit organisation was granted the Toyota HiAce SLWB Commuter Bus through the Toyota Community Foundation, Ryde Toyota with special thanks to Norden Conversion, was fitted out to suit Ryde Hunters Hill Community Transport specifications and requirements.

Ryde Hunters Hill Community Transport Manager, Virginia Coy, says the vehicle's wheelchair lift, side steps and bars will mean they can provide services for even more community members.

"We are very excited to be the recipients of this vehicle and are thankful to the Toyota Foundation, Ryde Toyota & Norden Conversions. It will be put to great use and will allow us to continue to provide indivisual transport, enabling our clients to access personal and medical appointments, for example,"Ms Coy said.

Ryde Hunters Hill Community Transport has been providing transport in the local community area since 1986, improving mobility for people who have special needs related to their age, fraility, location or disability. Mr Ian Mayer, Managing Director, Ryde Toyota stated that, "Our Company is committed to supporting select key initiatives which support and make a difference to the lives of people living with the mentioned conditions, Our support is part of our DNA at Ryde Toyota, our staff & business partners are very supportive of our community endevours." 

"We are thrilled to partner with Norden Conversion in providing Ryde Hunters Hill Community Transport with this much needed vehicle. Toyota is committed to improving mobility for everyone, and we are thrilled to be be supporting our community in the way."

Just some of Ryde Toyota's advantages: